Internal Medicine Interview Section 2: Clinical Scenario & Patient Handover

After the portfolio section interviewers will move onto the next section of the 25-minute online IMT interview which is the clinical section.
The internal medicine interview clinical section is designed to test your clinical knowledge.
After the previous question finishes, you will be given three minutes to review a clinical scenario. After the three minutes, you will be asked questions relating to this scenario.
Some points you should consider when reviewing the scenario:
- what next steps you would take
- any potential treatments possible
- any further information you would gather
- how you would go about communicating with any people (eg patients, family members, colleagues) involved in the scenario.
The clinical scenario will be relatively brief (a few sentences).
As well as any other considerations you feel appropriate, using your experience and professional judgement.
One mark will be awarded to you based on your suggestions and responses to the clinical scenario .
The second assessment carried out here will be that of your communication skills; both in terms of you demonstrating how you would communicate with patients, colleagues, family, etc. in the scenario, and also your communication with interviewers at the station.
Scoring is done independently by two interviewers.
IMT Interview Clinical Question Format
Questioning in the scenario may cover the following:
- what next steps you would take, e.g. further investigations
- your differential diagnosis
- any potential treatments possible
- any further information you would gather
- how you would go about communicating with any people (eg patients, family members, colleagues) involved in the scenario.
The clinical scenario will be relatively brief (a few sentences), so most of the three minutes will be used for mental preparation. Whilst it is permitted to make notes, these must be destroyed as soon as your interview is completed and not shared with anyone.
Questioning on the clincial scenario will last for up to eight minutes. After this, you will be asked to do a one-minute handover of the patient to a colleague. This will require you to speak for up to one minute as if you were speaking to the person being given the handover.
How Is The IMT Interview Clinical Question Scored?
There are two areas that will be scored in the clinical scenario question:
One mark will be awarded to you based on the investigations you would do, your diagnosis given the information available and subsequent management of the patient.
The second mark will be awarded for your handover and your ability to relay information in a clear, concise and accurate way.
The interviewers follow the general interview guidance rating you on a scale of 1-5 your clinical management and communication when handing over.

Top Tips
- The clinical station tests your understanding of common medical emergencies and complications
- Patient safety is key and safe assessment, diagnosis and management of the patient in any given scenario will score you points
- Interviewers will ask questions quickly to test how you perform under pressure
- You will be scored on both your communication and knowledge and giving your answer in a structured, logical fashion that involves the patient, family and your colleagues will score the most points.